Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mamma got her swim on

After a few days of feeling like my ribs were going to explode, I finally took my Ob's advice to go swimming. Theo and I got a 7 day guest pass to the YMCA, and went last night for the first time. I'm sure I looked ridiculous in my tank top and Theo's gym shorts, but holy crap, it was amazing. The second I got in the water, my body felt weightless. My belly became almost soft instead of the hard basketball it is outside of the water. Theo helped me stretch out, and we just relaxed in the warm water. I felt so flexible for the first time in months! The coolest thing was feeling baby boy kick under water... such a weird feeling. We plan to go back again tonight.

On another note, I have another Ob appointment today. We will be scheduling the C-section which is exciting, and I'm going to have her check my cervix. I'm still totally terrified about Theo leaving for Utah tomorrow, and I'm hoping this visit will put my mind at ease one way or another. Theo and I have looked at how long it would take him to get home if I were to go into labor. We figured out if it's between 5:30am and 9:45pm, it will take him about 4 hours to get from his hotel to the hospital. Which is pretty good because our Ob said she won't cut until he gets there. The issue is if it happens in the middle of the night. Pretty much, we're screwed. So please baby boy... please, please, please wait for daddy to get back on Saturday. And if you can't wait, please come in the middle of the day. Thank you baby.

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