Friday, August 12, 2011


Our Beta numbers or HCG level came back beautiful!
#1 33 at 3 weeks 5 days
#2 222 at 4 weeks 1 day
#3 5,181! at 5 weeks 2 days
The third one was done as a courtesy of my Ob/Gyn because I had a few days of spotting about a week after we found out, and I was very concerned.
Hearing each number was one huge sigh of relief after another. Small reassurances until we get to have an ultrasound. We also got to schedule our first ultrasound for September 9th at 9 weeks!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Is this real life?

We were two months away from starting Clomid (a medication which stimulates ovulation) when a miracle happened.
I woke up Sunday morning on June 31 to a skyrocketed temperature, and after 3 days of spotting, all of a sudden no spotting. Both very good signs that I may have been jumping the gun the day before in thinking we were out this month. I promptly snuck out of bed and did a cheap internet test. At first there was nothing there, but my eyes were still groggy, so I set the test down and went in the other room. Way after the designated time period, about 20 min, I held it in different angles and thought I could see a shadow of a line. I even took a picture of it and inverted the colors on my computer to see if it was there... just barely. I showed Theo and my mom to confirm that I wasn't crazy... both thought I was crazy. They and my message board agreed that even though it looked like a line was there, and 'a line is a line', I read it after the recommended time period. I decided to pick up another couple tests at Walmart during our grocery shopping trip. When we got home I ran to the bathroom and tested away. Within seconds the First Response test showed 2 lines! Pregnant! I reached for the digital test and ended up ripping the package with my teeth because I was so excited. This test seem to take ages to pop up, but after a few minutes it read, PREGNANT. Theo was yelling for me, asking why I wasn't helping with the groceries. I told him to come to our room. When he walked in, I was holding his fishing pole with a onesie I had bought months prior for this occasion attached to it. The onsie read, "Daddy's Fishin Buddy". Theo looked at me with wide eyes and said, "We got it?" He grabbed me, and we kissed, and we cried, and we smiled from ear to ear. We kept exclaiming, "I can't believe it!" and "I'm so happy!" We told both our parents and siblings promptly. It was amazing seeing everyone's reactions, and see how excited they were. That day was the start of yet another adventure in our lives together.
It's crazy, but we loved our little bean from the minute we knew it existed. All our fears of having difficulty conceiving due to PCOS just washed away. A whole new set of fears and worries set in because of our love for that teeny tiny bean (which was the size of a poppy seed). As scared as we would be for the next few weeks, we were so happy for what we created.



Here is my first belly picture, on the day we found out, at 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant. It sadly isn't a very good before picture because I was already super bloated!
3 weeks 4 days