Thursday, December 1, 2011

19-20 weeks

Oh boy am I behind!!
Between work being super busy and getting a yucky cold, I've had a really hard time setting aside time to blog. So here's a recap of the past couple weeks.

19 Weeks:
We got to see our little boy again at the anatomy scan! Because we were able to see so much at the NT scan, I didn't think there would be anything new at this one. Oh was I wrong. Every part of his little body were in much better detail and his face is a lot more defined. He's definitely gotten a lot bigger... duh. We also got a confirmation that he is in fact still a boy! Theo was having dreams that they were going to say their original prediction was wrong. I think the ultrasound tech was getting a little frustrated with his movements and the fact that he kept burrowing his face into the placenta. The doctor came in to review all the images, and told us he can safely say that baby boy is very healthy. He also said the placenta is out of the way, which means we vaginal delivery is looking good. The tech and doctor said he's not measuring bigger than normal for 19 weeks. At the end of the ultrasound all the measurements were listed on the screen and we could see the average measurement was 20 weeks 1 day. That's more than a week ahead! Theo and I left the appointment feeling all warm and fuzzy knowing that he is healthy.
Here's some new pics our little boy.

He definitely has Theo's nose and both of our big lips. I used to laugh when people would say a baby had their or their spouse's features... but it's true. That nose is undeniably Theo's. I think he's the most handsome little boy ever, but I guess I'm partial :-)

20 weeks:
Sorry I haven't taken my normal belly picture in a few weeks, but here is one from Thanksgiving.

How far along? 20 weeks
How big is baby? Size of a cantaloupe. At the anatomy scan, he weighed 11oz!
Total weight gain/loss? At the appointment last week I weighed 131. Which is about 9lb over my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? The only non-maternity clothes I can wear right now are my work pants because they are draw string, and a couple t-shirts/long sleeve shirts only if I wear a long undershirt underneath.
Sleep? It's gotten a little better, and I wake up routinely at about 4 am to pee.
Best moment this week? Seeing my belly twitch. It was nuts to see the movement from the outside. We also have decided on a name!! But it's hush hush until he's born. This week we painted a tree in the corner of our room that his bassinet will be in. I really needed to do something like this to feel like we are creating a space for him despite not having a nursery. Hello nesting!
Symptoms? Attack of the hungry pregnant woman! Also been having backaches and occasional headaches.
Food cravings? None out of the usual
Food aversions? None really, I'm eating almost everything. Still can't take those original prenatal vitamins and have been on gummies instead.
Gender? Still a boy!
Labor signs? No thank goodness!
Belly button in or out? It has just barely poked out from it's hole. So weird and cool at the same time!
What I miss? Coffee, but I've allowed myself an occasional half-calf or decaf. Nothing regular though. After going to my cousin's wedding this week, I definitely missed having champagne. I sipped a little at the toast, and just tasting it was enough to satisfy my craving.
What I'm looking forward to? I love seeing my belly grow every day, so I always look forward to that and his movements.
Weekly wisdom? Thank goodness for heating pads! My back is very thankful.
Milestones? We're half way to meeting our little boy!

1 comment:

  1. You and your bump are too cute! Love the pics you got of your little boy! Jealous that your office does 3D. It's amazing how much they change from the anatomy scan.
