Thursday, October 20, 2011

Weeks 12-15 (gender reveal!)

What has happened in the past few weeks? Oh we have so much to share.

Week 12
This week brought the long awaited NT scan. Theo and I went in nervous and excited, just like the first ultrasound. Except with this one, we knew we would find out our baby's risk for different conditions, and if baby cooporated, maybe even the sex! The scan was at least 30min... 30 min of staring at our little one bop around on the screen. Our little bear was so active, it was making the tech work extra hard to get the measurements she needed. Theo and I were holding sweaty hands the whole time, our hearts racing every time she took a measurement, hoping she would say, "good," after each one. Then Theo just about broke my hand when tech said, "see that between his legs?" The tech and Ob had no doubt that our little one is a baby BOY! I did ask the tech, "don't they both have something down there at this time?" And her response was, "Who? Your baby and your husband? Yes, they do!" She then laughed and said that both boys and girls do have something, but boys are bigger and tilt up at an angle. Just like our little boy's does. His little face on the screen was just beautiful. I watch the video from this ultrasound at least once a week. We left the scan feeling amazing. We are having a boy, which we are both thrilled about, and he's doing amazing. All the measurements are within normal limits, and he was measuring 13 weeks 2 days, instead of 12 weeks 3 days... he's a big boy!


After the scan, Theo went straight to work, and I raced home to decorate the house for our gender reveal party. My friend Kelsie and her mom helped me bake the gender reveal cake at her house. Of course, I couldn't just make a boxed cake, I had to make some complicated concoction. It may have been a pain in the butt to make, but I think it turned out really cute!


Our guests displayed their guess of the sex with either a bow or bow tie.



It turns out only 3 guessed girl!

And the rest guessed boy!


My parents


Theo's mom and stepdad

My brother and his girlfriend

Future great-grandmother!

Here's my and Theo's mom cutting the cake.







Weeks 13-14
These weeks brought a light of normalcy. Although fatigue continued, I finally wasn't feeling the 'morning' sickness every night. I will take being tired over morning sickness any day! Week 14 also meant the start of second trimester! As morning sickness faded, my appetite came back with a vengeance. And how great it is! I absolutely love eating right now. Cravings have also started. First I could not get enough of hot fries... a kick back to high school days. But knowing how bad they are, pregnant or not, I have cut way back to just a few when I absolutely need it. Theo has made several evening trips to 7-11 for slurpees for me. I've also had a few cravings for ice cream which has surprised me.

Week 15
Was that a kick? On Friday, 10/21, I felt my little boy move for the first time. At first I doubted myself... it's too early right? But I felt the same movement 3 times that evening, and again at least twice a day since. It's ever so slight, but feels different than any other cramp, twinge, or gas bubble. The Ob that did my NT scan said the placenta is anterior, meaning I will probably feel the baby more than most do. Even though I know it's too early to feel the baby from the outside, I scream for Theo every time just in case. It's so sweet how he patiently waits with his hand on my belly. I can't wait for him to feel this too. Since the movement, I feel significantly more connected to my little one. It's the most amazing reminder that he's in there, growing strong.

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