Theo is gone this weekend in Hawaii. Not for vacation but for work, because his team is playing University of Hawaii. He's been gone since Wednesday, and even though I started missing him the minute he left, I guess I'm missing him more than usual right now. Whenever I'm feeling far away from my love, I look at some of my favorite pictures of him. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
I took this picture last weekend right after he got home from his last work road trip. I was on-call and working on the computer when I turned to say something to him. He was fast asleep and much to my surprise, keeping himself warm with my Blankie. He HATES Blankie and always chucks it across the room if it accidentally makes it's way to his side of the bed. And there he was, sleeping like a baby, under my baby blanket.

Oh and let me make a note that this well kept Blankie is actually Blankie #2 given to me on my 13th birthday. It was the exact same blanket from Neiman Marcus that I had from baby-13. The remains of Blankie #1 are stuffed in a shadow box courtesy of my mom.
I can't wait for baby to come home tomorrow night. Until then Blankie will have to keep me company at night.
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