How far along? 37 weeks
How big is baby? Size of a watermelon! That amazes me.
Total weight gain/loss? About 38 lb... that's way over what I was supposed to, but my doctor isn't concerned.
Maternity clothes? There's only a few pieces of maternity clothes that I haven't grown out of. I bought a few more things in a larger size that fit better.
How big is baby? Size of a watermelon! That amazes me.
Total weight gain/loss? About 38 lb... that's way over what I was supposed to, but my doctor isn't concerned.
Maternity clothes? There's only a few pieces of maternity clothes that I haven't grown out of. I bought a few more things in a larger size that fit better.
Sleep? Not great. I toss and turn several times because my shoulder or hip get sore, and I get up twice to pee.
Best moment this week? Not baby related, but we got word that our loan was approved for our townhouse... which means that we are pretty much in the clear, and escrow should close earlier than we had thought. Also, my mom came to my doctor's appointment this week since Theo couldn't get out of work. She had been dying to come to one, and got to see a basic ultrasound and meet my doctor.
Symptoms? The swelling in my legs, ankles, feet, hands has gotten worse. I seem to have gotten poofy all over in the past couple weeks. I'm so glad we did our maternity photos back around 30 weeks. My back pain has shifted from the left to the right which I think is so strange. I'm pretty much sore all over now and have trouble getting comfortable wherever I am. The fatigue has increased also... I poop out so fast. I had minor OCD tendencies before pregnancy, but they seem to have gotten worse in 3rd trimester. I've figured out how to control them though. Mamma's ready for you baby boy!
Best moment this week? Not baby related, but we got word that our loan was approved for our townhouse... which means that we are pretty much in the clear, and escrow should close earlier than we had thought. Also, my mom came to my doctor's appointment this week since Theo couldn't get out of work. She had been dying to come to one, and got to see a basic ultrasound and meet my doctor.
Symptoms? The swelling in my legs, ankles, feet, hands has gotten worse. I seem to have gotten poofy all over in the past couple weeks. I'm so glad we did our maternity photos back around 30 weeks. My back pain has shifted from the left to the right which I think is so strange. I'm pretty much sore all over now and have trouble getting comfortable wherever I am. The fatigue has increased also... I poop out so fast. I had minor OCD tendencies before pregnancy, but they seem to have gotten worse in 3rd trimester. I've figured out how to control them though. Mamma's ready for you baby boy!
Food cravings? Still love anything sugary, but I'm obsessed with iced tea lately. I had a craving last week for thrifty ice cream (circus animal cookie flavor to be specific) and I also had a craving for orange dream machine jamba. Overall, my appetite is much lower than it has been.
Food aversions? None really.Gender? Still a boy! Our doctor pointed out that he shows off his boy parts whenever we do the ultrasound.
Labor signs? It feels like he's dropped, I'm officially waddling now. The past couple days, my mood has been funky, coupled with spurts of insane nesting. I had to go to target at 10pm to get curtains I found online. This morning, I started getting what felt like very mild menstrual cramps and lower back pain. I had heard that early labor could feel like that. So when we got home from estate sale-ing, my mom went with me for a long walk. I got much BH almost the whole way, but these were actually uncomfortable which my BH have never been before. They totally stopped once I got home and took a nap though.
Belly button in or out? Out... and shows through every shirt I wear!
What I miss? Coffee, fitting in most of my clothes, not needing a pillow behind my back wherever I sit, being able to lay flat on my back, not needing 3 pillows to fall asleep, my normal figure, feeling sexy, not tiring after a walk through target... but seriously, I would endure so much more to bring our little boy into this world. I would do anything for him.
What I'm looking forward to? Our next appointment on Tuesday. I've asked our doctor to do an internal exam to find out if I'm progressing even though we will be having a C-section. Theo leaves for Utah on Wednesday, and we want to know if labor might start early. We will also set the C-section date at the appointment!
Milestones? Baby boy is now full term! So even though he can stay in there as long as he likes (well technically only until our c-section date at 39+ weeks), he would most likely do great if he came at any time. If I do go into labor before our set date, my doctor will just do the c-section then.
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