Kinda realizing the bare belly and santa hat is a little creepy.
But whoa, huge change from last week, right? I'll probably say that every week now.
How far along? 24 weeks
How big is baby? Still about the size of a papaya. Which Thebump.com says is between about 10.5 to 11.8 and between 12.7 to 20.8 ounces (that's a big gap!)
Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm up a couple pounds from last week, ate too many Christmas cookies lol. I'll find out total weight gain on Friday at our every 4 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? I'm still trying to squeeze in the last of my stretchiest and longest t-shirts, mainly for work, but it's looking weird. I like saving my pretty maternity shirts for non-work stuff, but I don't think my regular ones are going to fit this week.
Sleep? Doing pretty good recently. Combination of the pillow fortress and humidifier have been doing me good. I know I'm flipping back and forth a couple times, but really only fully wake up once a night to pee.
Best moment this week? Christmas! We had an amazing weekend. I'll talk about this later.
Symptoms? Still back pain. Sometimes I feel him turning because my belly tightens up and I can feel a hard spot, then it relaxes. Also, he's been kicking my bladder like crazy. I will have just peed and then feel a spasm in my bladder. I'm almost certain it's his doing. Silly boy. Another new symptom for me is swelling. I noticed it on Christmas after we left Theo's parent's house. I took my socks off and there were huge indents where my socks were.
Food cravings? Still loving anything sugary (cookies, OJ, candy, Dr. Pepper, slurpees...etc) Perrier is my favorite drink right now, so that I don't drink soda, and get more water in.
Food aversions? None really, I'm eating almost everything
Gender? Still a boy!
Labor signs? No thank goodness!
Belly button in or out? It varies day to day from flat and almost non-existent, to bulging.
What I miss? I had a longing for salami this week. I miss those unhealthy processed meats, even though I didn't eat them that much before. I will allow myself a couple pieces on my sandwich from Jersey Mikes, and a very rare hot dog, but that's it.
What I'm looking forward to? Our OB visit this week. Not so excited about taking that glucose tolerance test, but I am anxious to hear how the little one and I are progressing.
How big is baby? Still about the size of a papaya. Which Thebump.com says is between about 10.5 to 11.8 and between 12.7 to 20.8 ounces (that's a big gap!)
Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm up a couple pounds from last week, ate too many Christmas cookies lol. I'll find out total weight gain on Friday at our every 4 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? I'm still trying to squeeze in the last of my stretchiest and longest t-shirts, mainly for work, but it's looking weird. I like saving my pretty maternity shirts for non-work stuff, but I don't think my regular ones are going to fit this week.
Best moment this week? Christmas! We had an amazing weekend. I'll talk about this later.
Symptoms? Still back pain. Sometimes I feel him turning because my belly tightens up and I can feel a hard spot, then it relaxes. Also, he's been kicking my bladder like crazy. I will have just peed and then feel a spasm in my bladder. I'm almost certain it's his doing. Silly boy. Another new symptom for me is swelling. I noticed it on Christmas after we left Theo's parent's house. I took my socks off and there were huge indents where my socks were.
Food aversions? None really, I'm eating almost everything
Gender? Still a boy!
Labor signs? No thank goodness!
Belly button in or out? It varies day to day from flat and almost non-existent, to bulging.
What I miss? I had a longing for salami this week. I miss those unhealthy processed meats, even though I didn't eat them that much before. I will allow myself a couple pieces on my sandwich from Jersey Mikes, and a very rare hot dog, but that's it.
Weekly wisdom? Not feeling wise today.
Milestones? Week of viability! But I don't want him getting any crazy ideas about coming out early.
Milestones? Week of viability! But I don't want him getting any crazy ideas about coming out early.
Like I said, Christmas weekend was great. On Christmas Eve, both families came to my parent's house for dinner. My family did our 99cent gift exchange. (This was my mom's idea... everyone buys 1 thing at the 99 cent store for each family member) I think my favorite gift was the nursing pads my brother got me, hilarious. I gave Theo an early gift that was labeled, "To 'insert baby's name which is a secret' and Daddy, Love Mommy." First he opened socks that are the original socks used to make sock monkeys. I had to apologize that I never got around to making the sock monkey, but this was a start. Sock monkey was Theo's favorite childhood toy. Next, he opened a warm up suit that was embroidered, 'Northridge Volleyball.' At first, I think he thought it was for him, until he opened it up completely to realize it was baby size. I loved seeing him light up.

Christmas morning we had our traditional Cinnabon breakfast, and did our regular gift exchange. I got a Coach wristlet from my brother's gf. LOVE. I so badly needed a little black clutch. And I also think it's the perfect size to stick in a diaper bag, so I can easily take in and out my things. I picked my mom's name, and got her Born shoes in this quirky green color she loves. She's been searching for these shoes in her size, so it was exciting watching her open. Theo and I both got eachother sweaters and boots. My man certainly knows how to shop. My new Ecco boots are gorgeous. Plus, he picked out a nail polish for me... how cute is that? We did late Christmas morning with his family, and were back at that house later for dinner. We polished the night off with board games, a new one that was given to us by our friends for Christmas.
The day after Christmas was unusually warm. We set up a card table on our front lawn and played cards and board games. The sun felt so good.

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