Our little boy is quite the acrobat! He is flipping and flopping all over my tummy, and a lot more throughout the day. It takes my breath away when I'm walking around not expecting to feel him, and then there he is! Those little twitches we were able to see from the outside have turned into my belly doing full on waves. I can't tell which body part is doing the action yet though. He also loves dancing on my bladder. I'll be going along not feeling like I had to go at all, and then all of a sudden my bladder will spasm. I'm tempted to keep another pair of pants in my car, yikes!
Almost all our Christmas shopping is done. My hands have also been super busy knitting away for my family members. I may not finish all of them before Christmas, but I'm trying!
How far along? 23 weeks
How big is baby? About the size of a papaya. Which Thebump.com says is between about 10.5 to 11.8 and between 12.7 to 20.8 ounces (that's a big gap!)
Total weight gain/loss? Oh boy... I'd say 18lb over pre-prego weight, but only 14lb over my first weigh in at 9 weeks.
Maternity clothes? I love my maternity clothes. They are so comfy. I just added a few more long sleeve shirts to my collection thanks to an amazing deal at Gap. I really need to go today to get some new bras. The boobs are out of control! I'm officially up 2 sizes from my pre-pregnancy size.
Sleep? Not too bad. My pillow fortress and I have come to a happy place. I toss back and forth at least twice in the night, and get up once to pee. I can definitely see how this is preparation for crying baby in the middle of the night.
Best moment this week? Registering at Buy Buy Baby, well technically we did it in week 22. It was a ton of fun, and super exhausting. We walked around the store for about 3 hours!
Symptoms? The back pain is no fun. It's still on my left side and radiates to my front under my left boob. I get numbness and tingling there too. My doctor says it's nothing to worry about. The heating pad has seriously become my best friend. My new belly support band also helps a lot.
Food cravings? Sugar!! For the past 2 weeks I have been craving anything sugary. I'm trying really hard to keep it in moderation.
Food aversions? None really, I'm eating almost everything.
Gender? Still a boy!
Labor signs? No thank goodness!
Belly button in or out? Oh it's OUT! And you can see it through most of my shirts.
What I miss? I don't know that I miss it, but when everyone else is having a drink, I sometimes wish I could join in. No biggie. I kind of miss the flexibility in my mid section. I forget the belly is there sometimes, but then remember when I try to get Ruby's ball from under the couch.
What I'm looking forward to? I'm really enjoying every day right now. It's pretty exciting that next week is the time of viability... but of course he needs to stay for much longer than that.
Weekly wisdom? Wear supportive shoes. My Toms may be adorable with my outfit, but my back and feet don't think they are so adorable.
Milestones? Nothing in particular.