I would post a picture of my swollen footsies, but my toenails are unpolished because I'm too big to bend over to paint them. That will be Theo's job this weekend. Let's just say that right now, it's not a pretty sight.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Weeks 28-29
We had our every 3 week check up a couple days ago. When the doctor measured my belly (fundal height), it measured 34 weeks instead of 28! This little boy is seriously going to be long. Our doctor said it doesn't mean I'll go into labor early or anything, it just means he's long/tall. She said we will have a sizing/position ultrasound at 34 weeks, which will give us an idea of what delivery will be like. I brought up my back pain issue. It looks like we're going to try a few more things; continue seeing chiropractor, get a looser bra, and try an antacid. But if those don't work, I'll most likely take maternity leave early. My work has been great with reducing my work load, and I may just switch over to working in the office to train new nurses, rather than working in the field. I love training, and I could use my pillow and heating pad whenever I need to. I'm also slightly anemic, so I was prescribed iron supplements. We talked to the doctor about our birth "plan." I quote plan because I know you can't really plan, babies have their own agenda. But we told her that we are hoping for a natural/un-medicated birth. She was pretty supportive, but encouraged me to keep an open mind.
How far along? 28 weeks, 5 days
How big is baby? Papaya on Friday.
Total weight gain/loss? At my visit on Monday, I weighed 150. That's 24lb gain.
Maternity clothes? I'm officially layering a few of my maternity shirts because they are too small. That's nuts!
How big is baby? Papaya on Friday.
Total weight gain/loss? At my visit on Monday, I weighed 150. That's 24lb gain.
Maternity clothes? I'm officially layering a few of my maternity shirts because they are too small. That's nuts!
Sleep? Still doing good.
Best moment this week? Our visit on Monday. I feel like we got a lot of questions answered. Also getting baby's area put together. It's looking really cute. And Theo set up our full sized crib over at his parent's house this week. It so pretty!
Symptoms? Another new one, heartburn! Yuck. But it's only happened once, so I can't complain. The back pain is still there.
Best moment this week? Our visit on Monday. I feel like we got a lot of questions answered. Also getting baby's area put together. It's looking really cute. And Theo set up our full sized crib over at his parent's house this week. It so pretty!
Symptoms? Another new one, heartburn! Yuck. But it's only happened once, so I can't complain. The back pain is still there.
Food cravings? Still loving anything sugary
Food aversions? None really, I'm eating almost everythingGender? Still a boy!
Labor signs? Just a few BH.
Belly button in or out? Out... and shows through every shirt I wear!
What I miss? Hot dogs
What I'm looking forward to? Our 3rd trimester ultrasound 1 week from today! I can't wait to see baby boy again.
Milestones? It's the last week of 2nd trimester! Also, I may be wrong, but I think baby may be head down. But that's just based on the way the movement feels. I know he can still flip back and forth, but I think it's pretty cool.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
As I was laying in bed a few nights ago, waiting to fall asleep, my belly started twitching repeatedly. Each twitch was about 2-3 seconds apart. From what I heard, that's what it feels like when the baby has hiccups. Theo and I were laughing hysterically as it went on for a few minutes. I could just picture his little body jumping each time he hiccuped.
I love getting to know my little boy.
Monday, January 9, 2012
26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks, the last week of 2nd trimester!
How big is baby? About the size of an eggplant.
Total weight gain/loss? I was at 144 at my appt. on 12/30/11, and today (2 weeks later), I'm 146. So I've gained exactly 20lb since my first appointment at 9 weeks. It looks like I'm gaining 1 pound a week now.
Maternity clothes? Kind of scared because a couple items in the first round of maternity clothes I bought are starting to get tight. Maternity clothes tight?? It's been so hot here lately, so all the long
How big is baby? About the size of an eggplant.
Total weight gain/loss? I was at 144 at my appt. on 12/30/11, and today (2 weeks later), I'm 146. So I've gained exactly 20lb since my first appointment at 9 weeks. It looks like I'm gaining 1 pound a week now.
Maternity clothes? Kind of scared because a couple items in the first round of maternity clothes I bought are starting to get tight. Maternity clothes tight?? It's been so hot here lately, so all the long
sleeve maternity shirts haven't been any good. I know it will get cold again, but I'd love a few short sleeve shirts.
Sleep? Still doing good. I've gotten used to tossing back and forth when one side of my body starts to hurt or get numb. Like clockwork, I wake up at 4am every morning to pee. But I've also gotten really good at falling asleep right after.
Best moment this week? We were watching my belly roll as baby did his exercises the other night. Theo went to touch a spot on my belly and baby simultaneously pushed against Theo's fingers. We've both felt and seen the baby move many times, every day really. But this was different. It was like the two of them really connected. It was a great moment.
Symptoms? Here's a new one... Lactation!! I thought this would be happening closer to my due date but had no idea it would happen this early. Does this mean I need to start wearing those little pads??
Best moment this week? We were watching my belly roll as baby did his exercises the other night. Theo went to touch a spot on my belly and baby simultaneously pushed against Theo's fingers. We've both felt and seen the baby move many times, every day really. But this was different. It was like the two of them really connected. It was a great moment.
Symptoms? Here's a new one... Lactation!! I thought this would be happening closer to my due date but had no idea it would happen this early. Does this mean I need to start wearing those little pads??
Back pain is still there. I went to the chiropractor this week, and she applied kinesiotape which felt
amazing while it was on. I'm trying to be really aware of the way I'm sitting or standing. I put a throw pillow behind my back when I drive, and I've noticed that helps a lot.
Gender? Still a boy!
Labor signs? No real labor signs... but I think I've been having Braxton Hicks the past few weeks. I only realized what they were recently. I used to think it was just baby adjusting and that was why my belly would get really tight. But after doing some research, it sounds like that's actually BH! It only happens once every couple days, and lasts no more than a minute. Belly button in or out? Out... and shows through every shirt I wear!
Food cravings? Still loving anything sugary
Food aversions? None really, I'm eating almost everythingGender? Still a boy!
Labor signs? No real labor signs... but I think I've been having Braxton Hicks the past few weeks. I only realized what they were recently. I used to think it was just baby adjusting and that was why my belly would get really tight. But after doing some research, it sounds like that's actually BH! It only happens once every couple days, and lasts no more than a minute. Belly button in or out? Out... and shows through every shirt I wear!
What I miss? Nothing in particular this week.
What I'm looking forward to? We take the tour of the hospital on January 23rd... so that's exciting!
Milestones? It's the last week of 2nd trimester! Also, I may be wrong, but I think baby may be head down. But that's just based on the way the movement feels. I know he can still flip back and forth, but I think it's pretty cool.
NYE was technically week 25, but I haven't posted since week 24. So let's play catch up. We had an really good, quiet NYE. Theo and I went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We kept imagining how amazing it will be when little one is sitting with us at the table one day. Then we spent some
time at a friend's house. I got to see my prego buddy and we compared bellies. She's a month ahead of me, and yet I think I look almost the same size! We got home in time to watch the ball drop with my family. 2012 has so much in store for us. I can't even imagine how different our lives will be this year, in the most incredible way.

I'm pretty sure Dre knows what's going on. Her nuzzling spot on my belly isn't quite as comfortable as it used to be.
Got milk?
I had to come on here really quick and document the fact that I just lactated for the first time. So weird!! I heard it happens while you're pregnant, but I didn't know it would happen this early!
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